My WIPs (Works in Progress)

This is my list of unfinished projects that have been forgotten at the back of the cupboard for an undefined time. One of my new year's resolutions was to try and get as many of these finished as possible during the year and try not to start too many new projects before these WIPs have been tackled.

I have listed the WIPs in no specific order and I will no doubt be adding more when I discover them or remember one that has slipped my mind now. I also haven't separated sewing, knitting, crochet, embroidery or other projects; they are all in there in a lovely mess :)

It will be interesting to see how many of these I will get finished during 2014. I will feature them in my blog roll once done and use the label 'finished WIP 2014' in the posts.

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Granny Stripe Blanket
I fell in love with this simple pattern when I found it on Ravelry. It was just granny stripes in grey with a bright yellow stripe about every 30 rows. I wanted to try and make a BIG blanket like that and only changed the accent color to turquoise to suit our color palette and because Spotlight didn't have the right fluro yellow I wanted. This was started in January 2013 and it's been untouched for a long time. But now since the tennis has started again and I need to crochet while watching it, I have started to make some progress with this as well. I am expecting this to be one of those forever projects; it takes about 30 minutes for me to crochet one row...

Infinity Scarf
I started this scarf in February 2013 while I was in Finland. I needed a project, bought the beautiful bamboo cotton in blue & white and started crocheting. Unfortunately it ended up in the cupboard once I got back home since the everyday life and routine kicked in again. Let's see what happens to this WIP this year. I can't say it's my top priority to finish. For some reason I have lost the interest a bit.

Tea Cosy
This is a repeat project. I made a tea cosy for my tea pot once when I was sick and couldn't be bothered to get off the couch all the time to make more HOT tea. The tea cosy helps to keep the tea warm for a good hour! The first cosy was made of some scrap wool in pastel colors and I also wanted one that was more neutral. This tea cosy is about half finished and shouldn't take too long to get done.  It's not my first priority but might be one of the first WIPs I'll tackle.

Appliqué & Embroidery Wall Hanging
I have been looking at the nice De Seuss prints on Etsy and wanting to get one for Finn's room. Then I decided to make it myself by using appliqué and embroidery. My design has been greatly influenced by the posters on Etsy; it has a hot air balloon, some clouds and the text "Oh, the places you'll go". This one is one of my higher priorities and would like to see it finished fairly soon.

White, Beige & Pink Granny Square Blanket
I can't remember when I started this baby blanket, why and for whom. Must be one of my 'while watching tennis' projects! It is in fairly good state at the moment since all the squares have been crocheted and I only need to deal with the ends of wool and joining the remaining squares to the blanket. The boring stuff... This project must have ended up as a WIP because I started it before I learned the "Join as you go" method of joining squares. It is the best tip when making something out of squares as it eliminates the tedious joining task at the end when you have made a top of squares and they should be then made into a blanket. I am quite confident that this will be finished during this year as it is so close to completion already.

Granny Stripe Baby Blanket

Fold Over Clutch

Cable Tunic

Blue & White Flower Bed Runner

Bandanna Bibs

Socks for My Husband

Hoot-hoot Patchwork Cot Blanket

Woven Basket 

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Baby Socks

This pouffe/foot stool hasn't been a WIP for that long. I got the pattern for it for Christmas from a friend and the fabrics were bought on Boxing Day (2013). What this pouffe is missing now is the round bits for the middle at the top and bottom and stuffing. Shouldn't be long before this is featured in the finished makes as well! And then all it needs is for its friend to be made as well; I bought fabrics for a second pouffe on the same shopping trip as well.

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